Light Offerings

An educational perspective

Posted by jturner56 on August 9, 2015

We are curious.

We are social.

We want our young to be part of a meaningful future (for them, for us, for all).

The journey as always is before us, the light that guides us will depend on the structure and values we choose to inhabit.

In the current age digital is part of all this.

Our means of transportation will be built upon the contraptions that arise from the intersection of aLearning (academic), cLearning (hyperConnected), sLearning (social), dLearning (digital), mLearning (mobile/personal) and tLearning (teacher). A complex conversation in changing times, too often shrouded and swept along by simplistic / political eddies.

This is what we as educators and society face.

2 Responses to “An educational perspective”

  1. lovenguin said

    “A complex conversation in changing times, too often shrouded and swept along by simplistic / political eddies.” … have you been getting too much Australian politics?? Or, back into the ‘swing’?

    Spot on analysis about the Digital Age and the educational perspective though.

    • jturner56 said

      Six weeks of NAPLAN focus and then the National Curriculum ring-a-rosy with History, Geography and Social Studies does nothing to install any confidence in the necessary political understanding.

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